The Kiaspo Approach

Conversation + Consultation + Design

Kiaspo has built its reputation on delivering insights on big questions that are unique and mission-critical to change-making organizations. We are capable of doing this time and time again, because we take the necessary time to build clarity and understanding with our clients. We translate simple conversations into productive consultations and translate serious-minded consultations into research designs that are aligned to client needs and flexible in method.

Research + Delivery

Research is what we do and take very seriously. From a foundation of project clarity, we launch data collection processes from a mixed methods orientation given our awareness of the benefits and costs of different approaches. Whatever the project demands is our charge, especially when it comes to the quality of the deliverables and getting to the finish line on time and within budget. Our standard of excellence is delivering research that is insightful, meaningful, and constructive. Meeting this standard is difficult when the questions lack originality, so we lean-in to helping clients with original questions that break new ground.

Application + Reflection + Evaluation

We keep our doors open, even after we deliver a final product. When clients have questions about how best to apply research insights, we remain available. We stay connected as a source of truth to ensure that the research is properly interpreted and understood among a diverse array of stakeholders. As our clients work to apply research insights, we make ourselves available as a reflection partner. And, if need be, we can assist clients by evaluating their efforts to apply the insights in the real world of dynamic human action.